I think I'm scarred for life by those stupid scary videos in disguise. You know - the ones that your "friends" email to you. The ones where your looking at a fancy car driving through the lovely countryside when all of a sudden a yucky monster-thing jumps out at you and screams. And then you scream. Really loud. And then your throat is sore for 2 days.
These type of videos have changed the way I view any email attachments. I either have to play the clip and not actually watch it - like turn around and do something else, or actually leave the room while it plays. On my really brave days, I'll watch the thing from across the room.
There was a time a few years ago, whenever my kids would happen to walk into our office and notice that I was opening an email attachment, they would turn around and leave.
The latest incident happened yesterday when my friend Dee sent en email with an attached video called "Irish Blessings". It started with some beautiful pictures of Ireland and soothing Celtic music. You know...the classic set-up for a huge scare. But there was nothing. Just Ireland. And some blessings. I did get to enjoy it during the second play. Of course on the first play, I was across the room watching between my fingers.
I don't trust anyone.
Tammy -
You can trust me - I am a Republican! And all I have to say about the election is... "Are you Kidding Me?"
Oh, Dee. I'm so sorry you feel that way. But now you know how I've felt for the past 8 years...
And I DO actually trust you - even though you are a republican!
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