Friday, January 30, 2009

4th Grade dating drama

This was the conversation at dinner tonight.
(all names have to been changed to protect identity...)

Daughter (matter-of-fact): Maggie and Evan are dating again.

Son (incredulously): What do you mean? They're can't be 'dating'!

Daughter (defensively): Yes they are! They've been dating for months, and then they broke up and now just got back together again. They're going out. (rolls eyes)

Son (more incredulously): They can't be 'dating'!! Where do they go?? How can they be 'dating'?? What does that even mean??

Daughter (angrily rolling eyes): I don't know! They just are!!

Son (really, really incredulously): They can't be "dating"! Do they go to a restaurant together? Do they go to a movie together? Where would they even go? How can you even 'date' in 4th grade? Can one of them drive?? Jeez...

Daughter (now really pissed and rolling eyes): They just are, OK???

Son (matter-of-fact and shoving pizza in his mouth): That's really stupid.


jilldaisbrenne said...

ha ha ha ha ha..... and it all begins... ha ha ha.

(I do recall 4th grade is when I started 'dating' Greg H. He would pass notes - through two sets of friends of course - that would say 'Check Yes or No if you like me'. Hope that's the kind of dating your kids are talking about!)

Anonymous said...

Your last two blogs have made me laugh so hard I almost peed my pants!!!