Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Stupid or Unfortunate? A day in my life at work...

First of all, I have to apologize for my warped sense of humor (it's related to 14 years of nursing...and just coming off a long stretch at work), but we have a new and insightful game that we've been playing at the Gallagher house lately. It's called "Stupid or Unfortunate", and believe it or not, it reflects my day-to-day life at work! Our director of trauma at the hospital where I work, recently explained how he plays it with his 4 little girls at home. So a while back I thought I'd give it a try with Will and Madison as well. Let me tell you...it's been a huge hit!!

To provide a little background, our trauma department regularly reviews all the trauma cases admitted through our Emergency Department to determine if any of them require presentation at our monthly M&M conference (no, we don't sit around and eat candy... it means Morbidity & Mortality). There are usually about 60-70 cases which are listed in order of injury severity. Each listing contains the patients age, mechanism of injury and resulting injury. On a serious note, some of these cases very tragic and incredibly unfortunate. But on the other hand, many...infact most, are - for lack of a better word - stupid.

So, this is how the game goes: I read (write) you a case scenario, and then you tell me - Is it stupid or unfortunate?

1. 13 year old boy - sheet on his head pretending to be a ghost - falls down a flight of stairs - fractured femur and radius.......stupid or unfortunate?

2. 48 year old man - riding bicycle - stopped at liquor store to buy another bottle - crashes moving bicycle into moving car while taking a drink from bottle - closed head injury, multiple fractured ribs, pneumothorax.......stupid or unfortunate?

3. 24 year old male - riding motorcycle at 120 mph - no helmet - drunk and chronic alcoholic (at 24??) - loses control and crashes into ditch - transected aorta and road-rash like you wouldn't believe...............stupid or unfortunate?

4. 14 year old male - gets in a fight with parents - stabs himself in the stomach with a kitchen knife............stupid or unfortunate?

5. 17 year old male - goofing around with buddies while shooting various small objects out of a BB gun - gets shot in the abdomen with a cut-off sewing needle - to surgery for exploration and removal of foreign object from liver..........stupid or unfortunate?

6. 20 year old female, crossing busy highway with husband - hit by car - tox screen positive for alcohol, methamphetamine, cocaine, and marijuana - subdural hematoma, fractured femur, fractured radius, fractured pelvis, multiple fractured ribs, etc............stupid or unfortunate?

7. 50 year old man - jumps off the Empire State building - lands on the Statue of Liberty - falls in the ocean - swims to land then gets out of the water and gets run over by a car........stupid or unfortunate?

Seriously, I don't make these up! Well, all except for the last one - that's Will's favorite scenario when we play the game.

So, lessons to take away:
- Don't drink/ do drugs and drive anything (motorized or not)
- Don't drink/do drugs and go near anything moving...or near water, for that matter
- Don't play ghost at the top of a flight of stairs
- Wear a freakin' helmet if you drive motorcycles or bikes!!
- Don't stab yourself in the stomach to get back at your folks... they'll probably just stick you in a psych unit.
- And, don't jump off the top of the Empire State Building...you'll end up getting hit by a car.

Really, there are some truly, truly tragic instances, but please keep in mind: MOST TRAUMA IS PREVENTABLE!!!! PLEASE BE SMART AND SAFE!!!!

(That ends this public service announcement.)


jilldaisbrenne said...

you are insane and lets just hope my niece and nephew don't grow up to be something bad!! :-)

jilldaisbrenne said...

you are insane and lets just hope my niece and nephew don't grow up to be something bad!! :-)