Saturday, February 03, 2007


So, I bet all you Kansas City and Seattle people are really wishing you were in Minnesota right about now, huh?? Yep, looks like we won't be seeing any positve numbers for another 3 days. On my way into work this morning, I was really hating the fact that I have a job...where I have to work weekends... in the frozen tundra.
You definitely know it's too cold when your car makes that horrible squeeling noise for several minutes after starting, the inside of your nose "cracks" when you scrunch it, and you have to pick icicles off your eyelashes after the bitter wind has forced out tears that have frozen instantly.
On the bright side, it's already February 3! We're in the "home stretch"!!
YouTube Pick of the Day: Where the Hell is Matt?


jilldaisbrenne said...

I will be slightly comforted by this post when I see our forecast for rain!

Sara Wicht said...

I don't envy you and I won't rub in the fact that it's 80+ and sunny in Rio these days. Or that I came home at 4 a.m. from Samba in desperate need of a shower after sweating all night...just remember that the chills and darkness of winter make the warmth and sunshine of spring that much more appreciated!!

The Hertels (Paul, Tia and Seneca) said...

We here in South Dakota are in the same boat. It is a argument on "who is going to the grocery store", "who is going to take out the garbage", "who is going to get the mail", etc, etc, etc. I am DEFINATELY ready for spring. I suppose it will be 120 degrees here in Pierre again though. Only in South Dakota!!