Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Odds and Ends

Hi all…I’m back! It’s been crazy busy around here. You know…soccer, baseball, soccer, swimming, work, soccer, shopping, varnishing, soccer, soduku addiction, work, soccer. You get the idea. It’s been so crazy that I haven’t even read my book club book for Friday and I’m 3 weeks behind on my ER and Grey’s Anatomy shows.

Anyway, here’s a brief review of what we’ve been doing:

We enjoyed a night out with Brian and Nicole a couple weeks ago. After going through the Bob Dylan exhibit at the Weisman Art Museum on the U of M campus, we had a great dinner downtown at Solera. For those of you who don’t know, it’s a tapas restaurant. No, not topless. Tapas. Get your mind out of the gutter. It means “wide variety of small appetizers in Spanish cuisine”. Nicole and I really liked it. The guys – not so much. By the time I remembered I had my camera, we were on the desserts. Here is Brian with his “mini-malt”.

We had a farewell party for one of the girls I work with at Buca DiPepo. As always, lots of food, wine and fun. This is our whole little trauma department - what a great group!

As much a I love this restaurant, it’s never been as great as the first time I went there. What I remember most is drinking bottles of chianti outside while waiting to be seated, the huge candelabra, and singing “Cecelia” in the middle of dinner. (God, we must have been the most annoying group of people to sit next to… Who remembers that?...)

Since Will got his loft bed, it seems that Maddie is always in search of something new and exciting in regards to her sleeping arrangements. The latest has been her closet floor.

Brian, Finn, and our friends Victor and Melanie joined us for dinner last weekend. It was another fun night at the Gallagher house, complete with kite-flying, light-saber-dueling, crazy-hair-styling, and leg wrestling. Don’t ask.

...and that was followed by a fun morning at the park:

We even pretended like we still knew how to shoot hoops. It was really a sad, sad site. What started off as a game of "HORSE", had to be shortened to "PIG" since it was taking forever. I can't help but hum the Springsteen song "Glory Days" as I'm typing...

All the neighbor kids have recently acquired Tamagotchi’s. I’m still not quite sure what it is. To the naïve adult eye, it looks like a little cute computer pet that beeps a lot. Here, you’ll see Will and Cole engaging in some strenuous outdoor activity.


KJ said...

Ah yes...the night at Buca. I recall that evening. It was VERY fun! I have not been back to Buca since. I'm sort of afraid it will not live up to my expectations. I'm sure we weren't THAT annoying to sit by....

jilldaisbrenne said...

That night at Buca probably makes it into my "Top 10 All Best Times" list (along with birth of kids and wedding, ect...) - it was truly that much fun!!

You have been crazy busy... glad that you can get a suduko game in from time to time.

Gail said...

I saw those kites flying! Did you see the sad one dollar diego kite? That was me.

Anonymous said...

Looks like Victor was using the bottom of the couch for leverage (Look closely at his left hand). I think Brian deserves... no... no... is entitled to a rematch!