Monday, May 07, 2007

TIME: Random Questions

I just finished reviewing this week’s TIME magazine, including their list of the 100 Most Influential People in the World. And I have some questions.

How can you not just love George Clooney, Tony Dungy, and John Mayer?

How do you define hypocrisy, scandal or self-righteousness when you live in Washington?

How can you see those Mac vs. IBM commercials and not laugh?

How can you look and Donald Trump and not laugh?

As a woman, how can you not feel proud of Nancy Pelosi, Hilary Clinton, Condoleezza Rice, and Elizabeth Edwards?

How can you witness the journey of Michael J. Fox and not be absolutely supportive of stem cell research?

How can you look at Angelina Jolie and not be a little bit jealous?

Why doesn’t Oprah run for president?

How can you look at children in war-torn and impoverished countries and not want to take them home with you?

How can you read about Darfur and not cry? Or scream?

What do you think Queen Elizabeth’s hair would look like sans hat?

Who in the hell are these 32 people remaining in the US that still approve of George W. Bush? (besides you, Shawn… :D)


Anonymous said...

I thought Bill was one of least I remember a sign in the garage...

Anonymous said...

Bush has taken his toll... even on me...

jilldaisbrenne said...

Bill... that comment just warmed my heart a little bit! We haven't lost all hope for you -

You can redeem your past mistakes in 2008!

(Damn I'm good - anyone need a political slogan ad person??)

Anonymous said...

2004 wasn't a mistake; the other option would have been a mistake! I'm just hoping for better choices in 2008!

Tammy said...

I think the 2004 fiasco was pretty questionable on the "mistake scale"

Plus, sweetheart, you have a really hard time admitting when you are wrong.

But I still love you.

jilldaisbrenne said...

Bill... having a hard time admitting when he is wrong.... no!! (That's like saying I have a hard time admitting I'm wrong!!)