Thursday, August 09, 2007

Stunt Kids

4 neighbor kids...
+ red scooter thingy...

+ sloped driveway...

+ soft grass...

+ a little imagination...

= great summertime entertainment


jilldaisbrenne said...

You are a nutcast Maddie- just as your helmet says. So may be the rest of those little daredevils!

Sara Wicht said...

The funny thing about this is that last summer me, Joe, my cousin Eric and his wife Colette did the SAME thing on their driveway with a slope in Andover, using a skateboard scooter 'thing' too! I haven't had that kind of fun since! We're still waiting for the rematch as we all became extremely competitive to see who 'scooted' the farthest! You and Bill should really give it a try. I think beer was involved too, but that's not what encouraged us to do it, only what encouraged us to try again after falling off.