Friday, October 05, 2007

Woo Hoo for me!!

I'm so freakin' out excited! I feel just like a little kid on Christmas morning!

Except that it's October.

And it's not morning.

And I'm 37 years old.

But otherwise I feel just like that...

Here is my new toy:

...and I look forward to eventually torturing you all with my new hobby.


Sara Wicht said...

Since first being introduced to Pioneer Woman by you, I have wondered how long it would take you to follow in the photographer's footsteps! Can't wait to see what you produce. Congratulations!

Angela said...

YAY! YAY! YAY! Did I say YAY! You're going to love it, that is one sweet camera :).

jilldaisbrenne said...

Good for you! I'm excited to see your creativity come through in that medium as well!!