Monday, January 07, 2008

Fast pool? Thin water?

The kids had another swim meet this past weekend. They called it a "fast" pool since they both dropped quite a bit of time in several events.

The other day at practice, Maddie said that the water felt "thin" and she wasn't able to swim very fast. What do you mean by thin? I asked. She quickly replied that thin water doesn't give you as much to hold onto, so you don't go as fast. Something about traction and "grabbing on" to the water.


Bill took these photos of the kids using a borrowed Tamron 70-300 lens from Will's coach Michelle. It's amazing how close-up he was able to get...he was sitting up in the middle of the bleachers.

I've also been trying to learn more about the new PhotoShop Elements program I recently got. I haven't had time to go through the tutorial yet. Maybe once I do that I'll figure out what all those terms, slides and buttons mean.

And then maybe I'll even figure out how to get the water the same color.


1 comment:

Angela said...

Great Pics! It's awesome to be able to take such a close up picture from so far away!

To play with your "blues", use the selective color settings in photoshop, select blue, and reduce/increase the magenta color, that usually does it! If the water is greenish, if you play with the yellow, it helps. Good luck! I'm usually too lazy to do much editing, myself, but it's pretty easy to do :).