Safety first. Batting helmets are essential to all baseball players. Especially when you have a nine-year-old kid throwing a small, round, hard object at another nine-year-old kid with all the strength (and control) he can muster.
Maybe they should think about pads.
Or full body armor.
Here's my big guy walking up to the plate. I know he's got butterflies in his tummy and slightly shakey knees right now.
Mom's just know that kind of stuff.
Now he's thinking "keep your eye on the ball and keep your elbow up" despite the butterflies and shakey knees. But you can't tell, can you? He's pretty good at playing it cool on the outside.
Here's our good friend and neighbor Matthew. This night, he just happened to be the rival. The opponent. The competetion.
He looks like he means business, doesn't he?
I actually can't remember if this was a hit or not. but Coach/Dad says this a great picture for correcting your swing-technique...

Ready... Set...

Blowing by good friend,neighbor, rival, opponent, competition Matthew...
On third and looking for home...
Turn on the jets, buddy!
Then it was time to take the field. If you can't tell by his expression and body language, Will isn't a big fan of


I'm sure Christian whish he could be there to see Will play.
Nice photos Tammy... and good luck this season Will!
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