Sunday, July 20, 2008

Random Sunday

Just so you all don’t think I’m a total loser since I haven’t blogged in forever, here are some absolutely random thoughts for today:

  • I love caller ID. Actually, it may be more of an addiction that a love. In fact, I’d rather sprint up 2 flights of stairs, hurdle a child, and fly over the bed to get to the phone that has it rather than take the risk of answering the call without knowing who it is. And no, there are no stalkers, credit agencies or bounty hunters involved. Just a debilitating, unfounded fear instilled by technology.
  • I am so exhausted lately. Upon reviewing my calendar which is filled with either work, early morning swim practice for the kids or swim meets, the next available time for me to sleep in (which by “sleep in”, I actually mean wake up at 7 am without an alarm clock) will be on August 7. Yeah, I know. I can almost hear your violins playing…
  • I am up to 19 friends on my Facebook account. It’s taken me almost 6 months to get there. And it’s something I’m not proud of. Just thought you’d like to know.
  • After assessing a patient at work today who was involved in a motorcycle accident resulting in him breaking his nose, lacerations all over his body, and missing chunks of skin from all over his face, he says to me, “I think I’ll maybe have to start wearing a helmet.” Hmmmm…you think?
  • Project Runway Season 5 started this past week! God, I love Tim Gunn. I think I’d like to adopt him.


jenny said...

caller id rocks, facebook sucks you in, and i missed the start of project runway. :)

have a good week!

Coach Jen said...

Lack of helmets keeps us with jobs :)
Facebook is kind of addicting, isn't it?