Wednesday, October 08, 2008

I love my closet!!

The project is complete!

This picture is actually a photo of Bill's closet. I was so anxious to deconstruct mine this past weekend, I forgot to take a "before" picture. But this gives you an idea of what it looked like. It is the exact same dimensions - just a mirror image.

All you have to do is imagine more clothes crammed in, five 2-ft piles of sweaters on the top shelf, and waaaaay more shoes piled on the floor.

Here is the finished hardware:

And here is the "after" picture:
In a fit of glory and organization last night, I even traded out all my hangers to coordinate (notice the all-white???)

Yeah, I'm giving that plan about a week...


jilldaisbrenne said...

Very nice and smart organizing! Can you take another photo in about 1 month to see if it stays so nice and organized looking? Although, since Bill has his entirely separate closet, you might not have the issues that we have in our shared closet!!

KJ said...

Looks awesome!
Wait, are those your jeans that are hung up? I don't know if I've ever seen a closet with 'jeans on hangers'. Would those be 'jangers'? You are an anal little bug. :)

The Hertels (Paul, Tia and Seneca) said...

Love it!! Now you can come to my house and help out our closet delima. I hang up jeans too Tammy!!

jilldaisbrenne said...

I hang up my jeans too... I have never not hung them up. Maybe you should try it Kristi!

Sara Wicht said...

Just to make sure votes are all in--I hang my jeans too. I press them also, so I can't bear to fold them once they've been pressed.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I am a pig, I don't hang my jeans. Unless it counts when they hang over my bathroom sink waiting to be put on! Yes that is why I always have tooth paste on my pant leg. Love the closets, I could use the help!

Christie-Off the Beat(en) Pad said...

I'm jealous!!!

Anonymous said...

hey! i helped:)

A Day In The Life.... said...

Looks great! I think that may have just motivated me enough to do my closet. Maybe. ;)
Oh, and I hang my jeans too!