Wednesday, January 21, 2009

"Sorry about the bird poop"

I was going through the kids' backpacks yesterday looking for things I should know about and things I should probably sign when I came across Will's journal. I love that his teacher makes him keep a journal. I wish I kept a journal. (oh right...I do...and you all get to read it...:)

This journal was actually the main topic of discussion at his last parent-teacher conference. She told us that overall he's a pretty smart guy, but he needs to work on his writing. He's much too brief, direct, and to the point. She wants him to write with more description and feeling.

Now, I realize that these requests are next to impossible for a 4th grade boy who would much rather be playing Halo or creating a totally cool alien guy with his Legos than writing a bunch of "fancy words" in his journal.

So anyway, this is what I came across when I got to the part where he was asked to describe a problem that he's had and how he dealt with it:

After I laughed out loud for the next 5 minutes and then replayed the hilarious (well, not at the time) scenario over in my head from that day at Epcot last winter, I thought about what else he could have written. What other describers he could have used? What detail did he leave out? Any "fancy words" to cover this one?

Sometimes short and sweet is just better.

1 comment:

jilldaisbrenne said...

He could have described the poop in detailed. That may have been right up his alley and he may have taken delight it that little exercise!! haha

And I remember that incident as well. Funnnnyyyy!