Thursday, February 26, 2009

The Fastskin Fit

A few days prior to finals, I broke down and bought the kids Speedo Fastskins. I had been toying with the idea for a couple months and decided that I wasn't going to do it. First, the kids are 10 years old for God sakes. Second, they already have pseudo-fastskins by TYR. Third, these suits only get worn at finals and really BIG meets, definitely not more than a couple times a season. And fourth, these suits are ridiculously expensive.

Don't worry, these aren't the LZR Racers worn by the Olympians...I haven't totally lost my mind. But they do claim to "mimic the rough shark denticles to reduce drag in key areas and features a Turbulence Management System" according to their website.

Seriously. A Turbulence Management System. That's what it says.

Whatever. They're 10. I get it.

I'm not at all convinced that these suits can help them swim any faster at this age. But you know what...they FEEL faster! I continue to be amazed at the psychological component involved with this sport. It's the whole Swim-Final Package: carb-loading, pre-race bath (with ocean-crystals to make your skin slippery) and shavedown, visualization, and of course - the Fastskin.

It's totally a mental thing.

So anyway, I caved. I found them slightly discounted at one of the metro area swim shops and I surprised them both the night before finals. They freaked out!

One other tid-bit of information about the're supposed to fit them in a suit that is 2 sizes smaller than what they wear for practice.

This is the part that gets funny! Seriously, check this out:

No, Maddie is not holding one of Beckett's onesies. Nope, Will doesn't have a 2T bottoms. Really - they are not baby clothes.

It took a lot of muscle and sweat to get them on for the first time. And I won't even elaborate on what was all involved in accomplishing a trip to the bathroom during the meet. But believe it or not, they fit perfectly.

Who really needs to breathe, anyway?...

1 comment:

jilldaisbrenne said...

ha ha ha... that's funny! They are ridiculously small. I'm thinking Becks would even be too big for Maddies!!

Campbelle just looked at the photo and asked if Maddie and Will were sending her and Christian swimsuits that have gotten too small for them. Ha :-)