Thursday, November 30, 2006

I should start a journal...

As of today, I've come up with a resolution for 2007. Yeah, I know I still have 32 days to put it into effect, but there's no time like the present, huh? My new resolution is to start writing more. At least once a week since I can remember (actually it probably started as a suggestion from Oprah when I was in high school), I've said to myself, "I should start a journal." Well, here is my attempt - and you are all my witnesses.

As some of you know, a couple of my favorite things are making lists and filling out forms. No, I'm not joking. Really, I love to do that kind of stuff. I think if I took one of those career tests, I probably should have been an administrative assistant. And that is also why I like to forward all those ridiculous "Getting To Know You" emails.

So, as I enact my new resolution, I will attempt to journal, and "grace" you all with my random thoughts, often-meaningless insights, and quirky lists. At the least, it should make me a better writer, don't you think?

Here goes my first list. I found this as I was "networking" through a series of blogs. Kind of like the six degrees of separation. Near as I can tell, it's my sister Jill's, friend Kristi's, friend Allison's, sister-in-law Jill. I guess that would make it four degrees...

Three things that scare me: My kids turning into teen-agers (uncontrollable ones). Cancer. Horrible car accidents.

Three people that make me laugh: Steve Carell (I swear he is the funniest human ever to walk this earth). John Stewart. Ellen Degeneres.

Three things I love: My husband. My kids. My sisters.

Three things I hate: Hate seems like such a strong negative word...I can't seem to think of anything right now as I'm really trying to focus on being "bright and shiny" (Meredith Grey, Grey's Anatomy).

Three things I don't understand: What is the difference between Hi Def, Digital, LCD, Plasma, DLP, Panamorphic, Widescreen, 10adi (or is it 1080i), blah, blah, blah. Why my husband actually knows this stuff. The concept that there can only be one "right" religion that gets you into heaven.

Three things on my desk: A mouse pad with a picture of a Truimph Rocket III. A wooden duck letter/bill holder. A stack of stamps just waiting for Christmas Cards. (note: I share the desk with Bill).

Three things I am doing right now: Blogging. Listening to the Today Show in the background. Thinking that I really should take a break and go shower.

Three things I want to do before I die: Raise intelligent, independent, happy, truly-good children that have turned into intelligent, independent, happy, and truly-good adults. Travel extensively throughout Europe and Asia. Leave a mark in this world, and on the people in my life...I guess if I can accomplish the first one, that takes care of the last one.

Three things I can do: Mulit-task (I am a self-proclaimed "queen of multi-tasking"...and I wish it would rub off on my husband.) Yell really would probably surprise most people. Drive a motorcylce.

Three things I can't do: A single pull-up. Maintain a steady weight. Program our VCR.

Three things you should listen to: The sound of perfect silence. A great thunder/lightning storm. Heartfelt laughter.

Three things you shouldn't listen to: Right-wing talk radio (those nut-jobs). Telemarketers. Unsolicited advice.

Three things I would like to learn: Golf. Violin. Karate.

Three favorite foods: Pizza. Ice Cream. Thai food.

Three beverages I drink regularly: Diet Coke. Diet Pepsi. Diet Mountain Dew. (sad, huh?)

Three shows I watched as a kid: Duke's of Hazzard (I always thought Luke was much cuter than Bo...and did you know that Daisy was actually from South Dakota?... so we had a connection). Grizzly Adams (I think I had a crush on Nokomis, or Nakoma, whatever his name was). The Brady Bunch, Fantasy Island, Hart to Hart, Night Stalker, The Love Boat...oh my gosh, there's too many!

So, there's my list. I'm tagging Jill, Cindy, Sara, and your own, ladies! I'll be checking...

1 comment:

abc1273 said...

You are soooo cute, Tammy. I may just have to make my own list. I loved your thoughts/ideas. You sound an awful lot like me. (I have never met anyone else that also loves to fill out forms......FUNNY. We should maybe get together some time and "hang" (I know the miles between us is huge tho.........)