Friday, December 01, 2006

New Addition

Well...I have a big announcement to make. We have a recent new addition to our home. Nope, it's not a child. No way, not a stinky dog either. And much to Will and Madison's dismay, it's not a turtle, chameleon or iguana. (Drum roll please....) We are the proud "owners" of expanded cable and a DVR ! (outrageous applause)

It's not like we've never had an over abundance of TV channels before. Way back in 2002, we gave cable TV a try. It was great! I loved to watch HGTV and VH1, Bill loved the Discovery Channel and the History Channel, and the kids loved Cartoon Network and the Disney Channel. Then we gave it up., I'm just trying to remember why.... It might have had something to do with the way we all became "TV Zombies".

I'm not sure how all you other families manage it. But, for some reason, at the Gallagher house, we all start acting like addicts. I'm sure that before too long, we'll each be lounged in front of our chosen TV. Given our differing tastes in programming, it's a good thing we have enough TVs to go around. I'm sure we'll be able to communicate by yelling room-to-room, throughout the house: "Get in the shower"..."not yet, my show's not over"..."what's for dinner"..."can you look for the take-out menus"...."not yet, I'm busy - look for them yourself"... "I don't want to go to bed yet"...

And another drawback, if I'm remembering correctly, is that cable TV causes insomnia and irritability in men. I think that the cable must send off some sort of "man-magnet" via the television that cannot be broken. Absolutely nothing, not even sleep, food, or the fact that is is 3:47 am, can draw Bill away from the TV during a great WWII documentary or wild animals eating each other. Therefore, I'm anticipating many nights sleeping alone, one really crabby, sleep-deprived husband, and increased wear and tear on our couch. far the most exciting part about all of this is the DVR. Apparently we'll be able to watch all our favorite shows, with no commercials, at anytime we want. Amazing! (Just humor me, I realize we're probably the last people to get this wonderful technology) sounds like heaven! No more missed episodes of 'The Office' or 'Lost' again! Woo Hoo!

So anyway, wish us luck with the new additions. And remember, if you don't see any new blog posts for awhile, don't worry... I've probably just been sucked in by reruns of Law & Order and The Real World. I'm sure I'll re-surface at some point.

...and it begins....


jilldaisbrenne said...

too funny.... welcome to the 21st century! DVR will revolutionize the way you watch TV!

The Hertels (Paul, Tia and Seneca) said...

Oh Tammy....I read this blog and just laughed because we are totally addicted to the DVR AND TV. We make plans around television shows!! The DVR is wonderful until you have 3 or 4 shows you want to watch at the same time because you can only DVR one and watch one or DVR two and watch another on another TV! It is really sad when your 3 1/2 year old tells you to "pause" Little Einsteins when she has to go to the bathroom!