Sunday, May 20, 2007


Whew. OK. I’m up for some air and to catch my breath for a bit. Man, what a crazy week!

Get this…I actually worked 5 days in a row this past week. That’s right. Monday through Friday. I don’t think I’ve ever done that before. Ever. Not even when I worked full time several years ago. I’ve come to the conclusion that I would have to get a lot more organized and gain some time-management skills if I were to ever become a full-time worker again. (God forbid.)

In addition to my work overload, I was kind of like a single parent this week as well. Bill went with his fishing buddies up to Lake of the Woods for their annual fishing trip. He had a great time, they caught lots of fish (enough to eat for every meal), and he came home with a nice, bright lobster-y tint.

I’ve been extra busy with my chauffer-gig this week. Work. Home. Soccer. Swimming. Soccer. Home. Work. Home. Scouts. Soccer. Home. Work…. Too bad I don’t have autopilot for Mercy Hospital, Gutzwiller soccer fields and the middle school pool. I could really use the extra time to get myself organized. Or pluck my eyebrows.

Will had his first soccer game this week. His team lost by a couple goals. Both of us decided that we didn’t like when he played goalie. I’ve never experienced one of those bite-your-fingernails-and bury-your head-in-your-hands parent moments until that night. On the way home from the game he said, “Mom, I think I’m more of a basketball kind of guy.”

Madison had her first sanctioned swim meet this weekend. Our swim club hosted 7 other teams for the 2-day meet. Maddie swam in a total of 7 events and ended up with a C-qualifying time in the 50 Yd Freestyle and a B-qualifying time and 2nd place in the 50 Yd Backstroke. Very exciting!!

Tonight we had an end-of-the-year Cub Scout party. We all had a great time. Unfortunately I missed Bill’s heroic flip-over attempt at a double play during a very wild kick-ball game. But he’s been gimping around the house and downing Ibuprofen ever since we got home. It sucks getting old, huh?

So, now I’m going to bed to rest my weary mind and body.

Except I can’t get “Crazy Train” by Ozzy Osbourne out of my head for some reason.

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