Friday, July 27, 2007

Re-do please

I got my new driver's license in the mail today.

So, now I need a new hair style.

Oh. My. God. It is so hideous, I haven't even mustered the courage to show my own husband and ask the dreaded question I don't even really want to know the honest answer to: "Do I really look like that?"

It's really just a huge clump of fuzzy brown-ness busting out from all over my head. The frame of the horrible picture can't even contain the frizzy mass. It goes beyond both right and left margins. In the shape of an isosceles trapezoid.

Do you think I can get a picture re-do without revealing that the sole reason is simply vanity. (Although I think the fact that I've dedicated a whole blog post to this issue is definitely working against me in that department anyway.)

Maybe next week I'll show it to Bill.

Or not.

Maybe I'll just continue to hide it within my wallet behind a few credit cards until it expires in 2011. Then when the rare occasion arises that I am required to show it, the cashier at Rogers Wine and Liquor can get a good laugh and wonder what kind of weird hat I have on my head.

Wow. 2011.


Sara Wicht said...

have you ever seen a good driver's license picture?

Tammy said...

I actually really liked my last one. Maybe that's why this current one is so difficult for me:)!!

KJ said...

I think you should post the picture so we could all give you honest feedback. Come on, let's see it!