Thursday, August 30, 2007

What I was doing...

Here is a fun little meme that I got from my friend Leah and my sister Jill:

20 Years ago....
1) getting ready to start my senior year in high school.
2) cruising around with friends in a little red Chevette (no, not Corvette) listening to our favorite Poison cassette tape.
3) spiral perming my hair and searching for the perfect blue shade of eye shadow.

10 years ago....
1) living in Kansas City, enjoying the DINK (double income no kids) lifestyle with my husband. You know: movies twice a week, trying out new restaurants regularly, meeting friends at a bar, shopping for myself…
2) attending the University of Kansas and working toward my Master’s Degree part time and working full time in the Trauma/Surgery ICU at KU Med Center.
3) probably picking my toes and staring at the ceiling. Besides #1 above, what the heck do people do when they don’t have kids??

5 years ago....
1) working weekend nights in ICUs for a staffing agency.
2) returning from a trip to Ireland for Brian and Nicole’s wedding.
3) just moved from Maple Grove to our new home in St. Michael.

3 years ago...
1) getting ready to send my babies off to kindergarten.
2) finally gave up the agency-nursing for a “real” job and started working in my current job as a Trauma Nurse Clinician
3) Training for my first Breast Cancer 3-Day walk. (At that time if you’d have told me I’d walk in 2 more – I’d have told you you’re crazy!)

1 year ago....
1) picking out flooring for our newly finished basement
2) developed an addiction to Caribou Coffee Carmel Coolers
3) walking the 3Day again. This time with 24 friends!

Yesterday I....
1) fixed some broken landscape lights
2) didn’t shower until 3:30 in the afternoon (it was a lazy day)
3) read “The Tale of Despereaux” with my kids

Today I...
1) am going to Costco and Trader Joes
2) will take the kids to do some more clothes shopping for school
3) meet with some friends from Swim Club to get ready for registration next week

Tomorrow I.....
1) go to the Minnesota State Fair with my family and Bill’s parents
2) will eat way too much greasy, fattening junk food
3) say that I’m not going to the Fair for another 5 years – had my fill of crowds, cheese curds, livestock, and carnival rides. Well, OK. Maybe not cheese curds.

In the next year, I hope to.....
1) lose the same 30 lbs I gain and lose every year
2) spend Christmas in Florida with my family
3) live happily ever after…

Your turn...


jilldaisbrenne said...

DINK - status. Not that I miss it - but the Double Income thing would be really nice!!

Kila said...

Oh, I hope you had a great time at the Minnesota State Fair! I went once, and loved it!

And no, you can't eat too many cheese curds ;)