Friday, October 19, 2007

Boys weekend up north

As I'm writing this, my dear husband is enroute to "The Shack" with my sweet little baby boy. They're heading up north to spend the weekend with Uncle Brian, Great-Uncle Paul, and Grandpa's Cousin Ricky. Will is so excited for this "Gallagher Manhood Ritual", he's hardly been able to contain himself and I think he's aged at least 6 years in preparation.

Last night I heard Bill and Will discussing their plans. From what I overheard, this is what they'll be doing:

1. Walking in the woods in the mud
2. Driving by the neighboring lake
3. Looking for bugs in the woods
4. Looking at the tree where they dump the contents of the outhouse
5. Playing Monopoly and Chinese Checkers
6. Searching for bears
7. Watching flies get zapped
8. Shooting clay pigeons
9. Watching mice drown in a bucket of water
10. Eating lots of eggs

This morning Will packed his own backpack full of stuff suitable for a boys weekend: pocket knife, Dragon-Rider book, MP3 & headphones, air-pistol & target, GameBoy, and his cozy, cuddly airplane blanket. What more could a nine-year old want?

Well...maybe some Purell. After breakfast, Will thoughtfully asked:
"Do you have a sink and some soap up there?"
Bill's response: Nope. No running water.
"So...if we touch something's guts, we just have to eat without washing our hands?"

My sweet little germophobe. I hope he does OK.

As they left, I gave strict instructions to be careful, don't fall down the stairs, don't get lost in the woods, don't get shot, don't get in a car accident, and return with lots of pictures and detailed stories about everything you do.

And in response, Bill said to me (as he says to me every other time he goes up to that mouse-infested, stinky, falling-down, man-heaven shack), "What happens at 'The Shack', stays at 'The Shack'."

But as they turned to leave, my wink to Will was returned with a cute little one-dimpled smile.

I'm not worried. I'll get the whole scoop.


Anonymous said...

I can tell for a fact they eat a lot of egg in that shack, or too quote a familiar movie:

Luke: I can eat fifty eggs.
Dragline: Nobody can eat fifty eggs.
Society Red: You just said he could eat anything.
Dragline: Did you ever eat fifty eggs?
Luke: Nobody ever eat fifty eggs.
Prisoner: Hey, Babalugats. We got a bet here.
Dragline: My boy says he can eat fifty eggs, he can eat fifty eggs.
Loudmouth Steve: Yeah, but in how long?
Luke: A hour.
Society Red: Well, I believe I'll take part of that wager.

jilldaisbrenne said...

I would like to think it was your brother in law Brian that left this 'strangely know entirely to much' about the Cool Hand Luke movie... but I'm afraid it's from my husband.

I hope you don't eat 50 eggs Will. (or you either Bill)

Can't wait to hear all about the fun!

Anonymous said...

you must be very proud of those boys.

Anonymous said...


Tammy said...

Wow, Leif. You do "strangely know entirely too much about" that movie...

50 eggs is a lot. Can you imaging how incredibly stinky the shack would be then...!!!

Angela said...

Sounds like lots of fun! I hope you and Maddie had a good weekend, I'm sure the boys had a blast.

jenny said...

too funny - what happens at 'the shack' stays at 'the shack'! hope they had fun!