Monday, October 22, 2007

I have to vent. Before I burst a blood vessel.

(Warning: if you don't want to get political, support the American Family Association, or are offended by homosexuality - turn back now.)

(Seriously. I mean it.)

Dear crazy nut-job lady across town,

After coming across your email in our in-box, I feel driven to respond. Personally, I take offense to this garbage. I believe the America Family Association is an extremist, so-called-Christian hate group.

They are a closed-minded group of individuals fixated on a homosexual agenda which promotes discrimination and radical views. They are people who regularly campaign to exclude gay persons from the civil liberties and freedoms that you and I enjoy. They promote a message with which I absolutely cannot condone.

The problem here is that the Boy Scouts of America does discriminate against homosexuals. Why should an exception be made for The Boy Scouts Cradle of Liberty Council? If they cannot comply with the anti-discrimination policy set by the city of Philadelphia, it may be feasible for them to find another location that has cheaper rent and doesn’t mind intolerance. Unfortunately, the national leaders of the Boy Scouts of America cannot set an example for what, in 2007, we would expect in a modern civil society: Acceptance.

I feel sad that young boys are being caught in the middle of this political and totally unnecessary debate. Perhaps a better served “Action Alert” (instead of the one you suggested) could be sent to the Boy Scouts of America in effort to persuade them to acknowledge the importance of such character qualities as tolerance and acceptance.

So, in my open, liberal and (oh, yes) Christian opinion, please feel free to send the attached letter to your own friends and family - as that is your constitutional right. But please, know that in my “American family”, we are trying to teach our children lessons of equality, broadmindedness and consideration for all individuals.


If you want more information - you can Google it...

Deep breath. OK. I feel much better now.


jilldaisbrenne said...

It is a really good letter... maybe Bill should let you send it to the crazy scout lady this time around.

I know the whole story, but I feel like your readers might be lost...

you may need to fill in more details about crazy lady and the American Family Association's prejudicness!

KJ said...

I am a little lost as to the background of your story, but think your letter is very well written. Nice job Tammy!

Tammy said...

OK...I wasn't going to get too into it in fear of drawing more attention to this crazy organization (AFA), but to make a long story short:

This crazy scout mom wants Bill to send out a request to all 80 families in our pack to request them to sign a petition to go against the city of Philadelphia's anti-discrimination laws by letting the local scout pack continue to go rent free. It's all based on gay discrimination.

Anonymous said...

"Don't be so open-minded that your brains fall out."

Just ask a 4 yr old if it's OK for a man to marry another man. His natural reaction will be to say no.

I hope the Boy Scouts don't bow to Philadelphia.

(This country is becoming far too immoral, which is one reason followers of Islam hate us.)

I don't see the AFA as prejudiced. They are following/adhering to God's word that homesexuality is wrong. It might be socially incorrect at this phase in history, but I'd rather please God than our screwed up society. We love the sinner while still hating the sin. We all sin, just in different ways.

Tammy said...

You could also ask a 4 yr old if it's natural for a 970,000 piece of steel to fly. Hmmmmm... I can only hope that someday a man marrying a man really won't be a big deal to a 4-yr old. Or to a person of any age, for that matter.

Prejudice is prejudice. It doesn't matter if it's based on race, ethnicity, gender, or sexual orientation.

I believe that we could fix this "screwed up society" by emulating tolerance and respect for all people. And what better way to strive for a peaceful society than to teach you children these basic moral characteristics.

jilldaisbrenne said...

Hey anonymous - I have a 4 year old who has a good friend who is 4 years old, and he just happens to have two moms... and I'm pretty sure as to what their natural reaction would be.

Prejudice begets prejudice.

Anonymous said...

I think we can love everyone but we don't have to love or like things we think are wrong. Two moms or two dads are not what God wanted or else there wouldn't have been Adam and Eve. I still however think that love should be taught not hate.

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