Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Minnesota Winter Rant

Alright, alright….I’m still here. Today I’ve finally pulled myself out from under the covers. I’ve been hibernating for a couple days now; both due to the Packers tragic loss on Sunday and because Minnesota has been blanketed in frigid temperatures for far too many consecutive days. I really just can’t seem to get warm.

Sometimes I really wonder “Why the heck do I live in Minnesota??” That question usually runs through my mind twice daily from November to April: First, as I’m making a break to the shower from my warm, cozy bed each morning; and then again when I’m yelling at the kids to pick up their cold, wet, icy snow pants, snow boots, gloves, hats, scarves and coats from my hardwood floors every day after school.

It’s not the change in seasons. I think I could tolerate "Hot-Season" and "Not-So-Hot-Season" just fine. There is something about the combination of “beach” and “winter” in the same sentence that is very appealing. I seriously think that Florida is calling my name.

Listen…did you hear it?!?

It’s not my love of outdoor winter activities. I’d rather clean toilets than “play” in the snow. I don’t have the faintest idea of the rules for hockey, nor do I really care to. Snowmobiles scare the crap out of me. And my orthopedic surgeon told me to stay away from skis. Lord…like somebody actually had to tell me that one.

It’s not the new “finish” that accumulates on my car during these winter months. I really could do without the white-dusty-dirtiness that the sand and salt provide. And then, you have to wait to the right time to drive it through a car wash or you run the risk of the locks freezing. Who knows, you might even get frozen out until late April.

It's not the patchy ice-covered roads. It's not the chronic muddy puddles on my mud-room floor. It's not even the fashionable statement that turtlenecks and flannel can make.

I miss seeing my neighbors. I miss mowing my lawn. I miss outdoor walks. I miss green leaves on trees. I miss going outside without a coat (and hat, gloves, scarf, boots…).


So – about why I live here…



I guess I’ll have to get back to you on that. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Hey! There it was again. You had to hear it that time…


KJ said...

I am so with you on this one right now. I think maybe we have stronger lungs since we live here? That's all I can come up with.

Sara Wicht said...

I can't even comment given my current address. I feel your pain.

jilldaisbrenne said...

Are you kidding me..... I've been trying to convince you of this very same thing for the past 4 1/2 years. Seattle's winter weather isn't ideal... but I've never froze any type of membranes since we've been here.

Oh... you might also be hearing another voice, something like "MOVE TO YOUR SISTERS!!!! EMBRACE THE RAIN"

jenny said...

we live in the frozen tundra - but i still wear flip flops! i'm nuts! hahaha! i hope it warms up soon - this cold is getting real old!

i'm bummed the pack lost too! :(

KJ said...

Sweet mother of God!!!! I just came home from seeing Juno (which was awesome by the way!) and it is -7 outside. Shit that is cold.

Gail said...

If you didn't have winter, you probably wouldn't say that you miss mowing your lawn. I'm just guessing though.