Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Bravo! Bravo!

Is anyone else out there totally addicted to the Bravo channel like I am? This the most amazing channel ever. Really. I swear it to you! You know how sometimes you just feel like watching TV but you really don’t know what you feel like watching? And you know how sometimes I feels so great just to lay on the couch and watch something totally mindless? And you know how sometimes you flip through the regular channels like NBC, CBS, FOX, and ABC and the only thing on is Deal or No Deal or one of the Law & Order or CSI reruns... and just one more look at Howie Mandel or Vincent D'Onofrio might push you over the edge?

Well, the solution to these scenarios is Bravo. Any time, any day, any night. Just flip on your TV to this amazing channel and you’ll be hooked.


Here is a list of my favorite shows present and past:
Project Runway. Lord knows I’m not into high fashion or anything, but this show is so fun. Actually, it’s quite fierce.
Real Housewives of New York City. Are these people for real????
Flippin’ Out . Gotta love a neurotic gay home improvement expert.
Work Out. Gotta love a crazy lesbian personal trainer. Whose body I’m totally jealous of by the way.
Top Chef. Very entertaining…and you might learn a thing or two.
Millionaire Matchmaker. Again, are these people for real?
Welcome to the Parker. Very interesting behind-the-scenes look at the running of a fancy-schmancy spa/resort.
Any show featuring “100 Best…whatever”. In case you don’t already know: I’m absolutely obsessed with lists. Doesn’t matter what kind. I just love ‘em all.

You might say I have a thing for reality TV.

Or you might say, "Wow, sounds interesting. I think I'll check it out, too"

Or you might say, “For God’s sake...get a life!”


jilldaisbrenne said...

Oh... and aren't the Real Housewives of NYC way better than the Real Housewives of Orange County!!??

Yep, Bravo - it's got a little of everything!

Unknown said...

Yep, get real and get a life :)

jenny said...

i LOVE bravo. it's got a dose of everything and yes, it is totally mindless tv to veg out to. :)

A Day In The Life.... said...

Thankfully I don't have that channel. Which sounds like a good thing because my children would go hungry and they wouldn't have clean clothes!

Ann-Marie said...

My fav Tim Gunn quote: "It's just a lot of LOOK"