Thursday, April 10, 2008

Jedi Battle Tutorial

The following information is presented to teach the novice human some basic Jedi-fighting skills and techniques. Here we will cover the use of the traditional Jedi weaponry, the basic applications of Force-Pull and Force-Push, as well as the telekinetic driving uses of the Force. With this information, you too, will be able to successfully execute your own backyard production of a Jedi battle.

Please note that Jedi and Sith are best observed when they don't know that they are being observed. A long telephoto lens comes in very handy in these situations.

Proceed at your own risk.

And may the Force be with you.

The lightsaber is a distinctive weapon, the very image of which is inextricably bound with the mythos of the Jedi and the Sith. It is designed as much for elegance in combat as for bragging rights in the neighborhood. Along with ownership of a lightsaber comes the inexplicable ability to distinguish yours from the other 27 lying in a pile in the yard at the end of each battle.

Shown here is a Jedi Master engaged in a training session with his Padawan (aka Jedi apprentice). There is extensive ongoing training in the arts of battle and the understanding of the 4 Pillars of Jedi strength: Self Discipline, Knowledge, the Force, and Order of Suburban Neighborhood Governance.

Force Push is the ability to create a telekinetic impulse via the Force, launching a concussive burst of pressurized air. Truly gifted practitioners can generate a concussive blast that radiates from them for dozens of meters in all directions, detonating with the force of a conventional explosive and sending the combatants around him well into the nearby arrangement of Adirondack chairs.

Force Throw is another telekinetic ability of the Force, perhaps related to Force Push (noted above). It causes objects, and even people, to be hurled towards a target at an astounding velocity. A skilled Force user could throw multiple, large objects simultaneously at great speed. The victims of this method are often found lying as if paralyzed in shock for several minutes prior to rising. Then usually, they take a quick lunge at their attacker and quickly run home to tell mom what the attacker (aka sibling) did.

Force Choke causes immobilization and choking. The area affected is typically the target’s neck. The target is not lifted or moved, but simply “frozen.” This technique is used to punish, threaten, or scare the target without wanting to cause death. Following this scene, the young Sith lord shown here uttered in his low, gravely voice, "I find your lack of faith disturbing" in reminiscence of the words of Lord Vader.

Force Grip is a crushing application and an advanced level of Force Choke (noted above). This can be used to levitate, immobilize, and control the intended target’s movement primarily, while causing death secondarily. Following this move in battle, the victim must put him/herself in a “time-out” type action by quickly locating the nearest structure (ie. deck or playset) and stay there until re-spawning is complete and they are allowed back into battle by the other combatants.

Lightsaber handling techniques. The various skills depicted here show the vast array of techniques with which the Jedi and Sith combat. Please note: only those experienced in the ways of the Force should attempt these at home.

As you can see by the faces of these young Jedis and Siths who emanate shear grit, determination and inner strength: this is no place for the weak.

Seriously, it’s not.

You gotta have your game on to fit in here.

Disclaimer: No Jedi, Sith, or child was harmed in the making of this tutorial. All information is nearly accurate for the most part and was researched on Wookeepedia.

Yes, believe it or not. There is really such a site out there.

I now know more about Star Wars, lightsabers, and the Force than any human here on Earth really needs to know.


A Day In The Life.... said...

I feel very informed abuot the Jedi life. I may have to go home and impress my son with all of my knowledge!

Unknown said...

I love it. I could here the Star Wars Imperial Match in the background.

Blaze said...

"this is no place for the weak."
I guess that's why Danyan was in the house reading his new Star Wars book when you shot those pics. He would've been creamed out there - good thing he stayed in and acquired some much needed Jedi-Mojo.

jilldaisbrenne said...

Like Leif, I could just about hear the Lightsaber sounds....

Wow, and maybe its because I don't see all those neighborhood kids but once a year - but I hardly recognized Cole!!