The signage in our front yard has prompted some questions from friends, neighbors, and even a few trick or treaters recently. You see, historically we've always been a "split household". It's not that we ever fight about it. We just like to have healthy, spirited political discussions. Really. We both love it. I like to think that it's good for our marriage. Heck, I even think it's good for the kids. It displays the importance of identifying your own beliefs and the importance of learning about others beliefs. And it really shows them that we all can actually live in harmony and peace.
I've never had a doubt about who I was going to vote for. There are just some certain that things that I feel absolutely, whole-heartedly, incredibly strongly about. And even though I may not agree with every single thing that my chosen candidate stands for; it trumps all others because of the passion I feel about those issues. And that is why I vote the way that I do.
My poor husband, on the other hand, has been one of those Undecided voters. He's been taking countless political quizzes and questionnaires to assist in his decision. He's been torturing himself with his own political history and his evolution of beliefs on the issues. He literally was undecided until he stepped up to that voting desk this afternoon.
And I'm not going to tell you which way he went. If you want to know, you'll just have to ask him that yourself :)
Our household is very curious how you voted Bill.
But like I said earlier - anyone who struggles as much as you do with issues, and flip flops back and worth so much, should really seek personal therapy to try to 'discover who you are' - or perhaps enter politics.
oh, this is hilarious! Brent and I "fought" over which sign to put up and settled on no signs at all, if I'd known we wouldn't be the only crazy family, I may have followed in your footsteps!
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