Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Off to Middle School

The kids had their first day of school today. They were both a big bundle of excitement and nerves!

There will be a lot of changes for them this year. First of all - the best thing is that school starts a whole hour later than ever before. In fact, as I was rolling out of bed to start making breakfast, I noticed their bus from the last several years pulling away from the stop behind our house. Let me tell you...that felt GREAT!

They will change rooms and teachers for nearly every class. And it seems like a pretty big school to me. Of course, growing up in a small town and going to a small school, I don't remember ever having to search for my classroom with a map.

It was a bit overwhelming for me. But I didn't tell them that.

In a way, I'm sad to see summer end. It's been a great one!! Seriously - really fun! But, like always, I'm ready to get back on schedule. I'm ready to have a bedtime routine again. I'm ready to actually talk to my dear husband in the evening again.

So, instead of pining away and thinking about how fast time flies...I met a bunch of friends for lunch and a movie today. Fun!

And then when the kids came home, they really didn't have much to say. It was OK. It was OK to be back. The teachers are OK. Hot dogs for lunch. They were OK. They found their way around OK. One of them needed help opening their locker. One of them already forgot their planner somewhere.

All in all...the first day of middle school was...OK.

I think this lack of detailed information just might drive me crazy.

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