Thursday, September 24, 2009

A Future in Politics

Aside from the thrill of no lines, multiple teachers, and three choices of entrees at lunch, one of the other new perks at Middle School is Student Council. This election season consisted of a one-page application, a three-day campaign, two posters, and a 30-second videotape session.

Short and sweet. (I think that's how all elections should be, don't you?)

Will wanted nothing to do with it. In contrast, Maddie jumped at the chance. I'm pretty sure she had her whole application filled out on the 2-block walk home from school that day. She displayed her posters proudly, and worked on her campaign ideas thoughtfully.

My favorite part of this run-for-office was her idea to plant flowers and vegetables in the courtyard area, thus increasing the beauty of the surroundings, encouraging a healthy diet for the students and teachers, and reducing the school's carbon footprint.

I also liked the part where she explained that she "can handle any situation...realistic or not."

Hmmm...I can't quite imagine what kind of unrealistic situation she could handle so well. But that promise must have had some kind of appeal to 5th graders, because it worked!

It's so cool to see her leadership abilities emerge a bit as she gets older. I was always much too shy as a kid. And still, to this day, I'd rather follow than lead.

Plus, I never would have had the skills to defend my classmates in case of a zombie attack.

1 comment:

jilldaisbrenne said...

Congratulations Miss Student Council! We are proud of you! And you have definately been making my world a better place since 1998 kiddo!! Love you tons