Thursday, November 05, 2009

The breakfast-fundraiser-and-dog-poop-in-eye-resource blog

I have this little "Site Meter" function embedded in my blog. It's kind of interesting to see how many views my blog is getting. Now don't get me wrong... there really aren't very many. But I'm pretty sure there are a few "regulars" that check back once in awhile. This includes my sisters, my dad, and my husband. (Hi guys!)

I can't see exactly who is reading my blog, but I can see the city their server is in, approximately how long they are visiting, where they "out click" to and how they came upon my site.

That last part is my favorite. Other than seeing hits referred to my blog from my sister's or friend's blogs, I can see the words that people used in their Google search to access my little online journal.

The most popular Google search that leads to my blog is "Applebees Breakfast Fundraiser". Awhile back I wrote this following my fundraising journey for the Breast Cancer 3 Day. There must be a lot of people looking for ways to raise some funds!

Following close behind the Applebees thing is "dog poop in your eye". Seriously! People actually Google "dog poop in your eye." Some Google "dog poop in my eye." Some just search for "poop in eye." But apparently this is an issue worth researching for some folks.

And they're led right to my little blog.

Hmmm...Kind of makes you wonder, doesn't it?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah - the poop in the eye thing is me. I can never remember the URL, so I google you via "eye poo". Just kidding! Hahahaha! I've got you bookmarked, Tammy. =) It is bizarre what people search on. Ever see this one? Realtime search terms.
