Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Inside my head...

1. You may have noticed that I've now blogged for 4 days in a row. Can you believe it? I hate to jinx myself, but I'm trying to do the NoPoBloMo or PoBloNoMo, or whatever. Basically I'm trying to blog every day this month. I'm hoping that this will force some creativity out of me. Huh...nothing like forced creativity...

2. We all got seasonal flu shots several weeks ago. But none of us has received the H1N1 yet. I feel like I'm just waiting for my whole family to get struck down by this virus. I usually wake up every morning and feel everybody's head for a fever. So far - so good...knocking on wood.

3. My dad and Marva are coming for the weekend. It'll be great to see them again. Can't wait to see the pictures from their month-long Corvette trip out west! They are also coming to see the kids swim at a meet in Elk River on Saturday and Sunday. I'm pretty sure they have no idea what they're in for. The kids swim in 2 different sections this season - Will in the morning and Maddie in the afternoon. Wow...that makes for LONG days! And guess what... This little all-day arrangement will last for the next 2 years!

4. Has anyone ever worked with Microsoft Publisher? I'm trying to put together a newsletter for work and I'm having a hard time getting everything formatted nicely. Heaven forbid I succumb to reason and use the HELP function.

5. Aside from blogging 4 days in a row, I've also cleaned my house 2 weeks in a row. I'm pretty sure I haven't done that since 1997. But, feels GREAT! I think it's kind of like therapy. But free.

6. A friend of mine recently started selling Norwex microfiber cleaning supplies. OMG...the dusting mitt is AMAZING!!!! My wood blinds haven't been this dust-free since they were installed over 7 years ago.

7. Do you want to check out my latest techy/nerdy project? Here it is: Sea Devils Swimming.
The swim team recently switched websites and I ended up as the "temporary webmaster". Yeah, I know...don't laugh. It kind of makes me want to call up my 10th grade computer teacher and tell him that I'm really NOT an idiot. Hey, buddy! I can copy and paste HTML with the best of 'em.

I apologize. This could be along month for all of us.

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