Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Grade Check

The schools in our district provide an online site that allows parents to keep track of their kids' grades, view books they've checked out from the library, and look at detailed lunch charges. This school year I've decided to check in on the site weekly. You know, just to see how things are going.

Its a good chance to remind them that instead of buying a bottle of water in the cafeteria for $1.25, they can just bring a bottle of water from home. Or better yet...GO TO THE DRINKING FOUNTAIN.

I can also check up on their grades. Which, honestly, I've really never worried about. They're good kids. They do their homework diligently. They like school. They've never had anything other than an A or A-. And I'm really not trying to be one of "those" moms...but to this point, grades haven't been an issue.

And that's why I almost fell out of my chair today when I saw a B- show up in Will's grade-book. And guess what it was in.

Go ahead, guess.

Phy Ed. Gym. PE. I couldn't help but laugh! Seriously...this is a kid who swims 7-8 hours a week. A kid who is more fit at 11 yrs old, than I have ever been in my entire life. A kid who almost has achieved a six-pack belly.

So, after a brief chat, he thinks he's figured out a way to salvage his GPA.

The solution? Simply wear the correct footwear.

Those darn Keen's are just so comfy and easy to slip on.

God...I hope he still gets into college. :)

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