I’d been waiting for last night for months! So, what do you think is going on?? Why did Jack finish Ben’s surgery (he probaby should have let him die)? What did Ben and Juliet talk about? How could he possibly wake up during the whole thing, anyway? Do you think Alex is really Ben’s daughter? Why would Jack sacrifice himself for Kate and Sawyer? Why was Karl being imprisoned and brainwashed? Is Ethan one of the recruiters from the Dharma project…or is his company, Mittelos, an enemy of theirs? How does all the experimental pregnancy research fit in with everything (and why have they taken all the children in the first place)? Is Juliet (or any of the Others) actually captives on the island as well? So many questions!!!
And the scariest part of it is that I just went directly to the website http://www.oceanicflight815.com/ without Googling it…and I’ve just spent the last 30 minutes researching theories. (Gasp!)
And the scariest part of it is that I just went directly to the website http://www.oceanicflight815.com/ without Googling it…and I’ve just spent the last 30 minutes researching theories. (Gasp!)
I have all of the answers you are looking for. I hacked the writers web site and found their notes. It is based on actual facts.
Shawn Darhma Oakland
So, cough it up, big guy...let's hear it.
(miss you guys! come visit!)
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