Thursday, May 10, 2007

Are they twins?

The kids had "Big Woods Blitz" this afternoon at school. It's like a track & field day with about 20 different activities. I did take my camera to school, but ended up helping another mom in the "3-Pin Bowling" event, so no action pictures. We all came home dirty, sweaty, tired and overheated. What else can you do besides make a quick run to DQ?

After years of people telling me how much these 2 look alike, I've never really seen it. But on this picture I would tend to agree. It's funny, but as the kids get older, I don't get many "Are they twins?" questions. It's probably because they won't let me dress them alike in pink and blue anymore. Believe it or not, when they were babies, so often people would ask us if they were identical! Seriously.

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