Thursday, May 10, 2007

My View: Spring Edition

Wow...what a beautiful day here in Minnesota. Kinda feels like mid-July already. I tried this view-thing once before back in January. Thought I'd post again now that the green is starting to fill in a bit.

This is the view from my front door. Each year I'm shocked at how fast these hosta's grow - I think you could literally watch them. About 4 years ago, Bill's aunt divided hers and gave us a few plants. They have turned into all of these. Hostas - the gift that keeps on giving!

That's Heather's house across the street.

This is the view from the side/front. I lost one clematis vine this year - note the empty trellis. I think I'll wait until the other 2 bloom and then tear them all out and start over. I was never too crazy about their pale purple color anyway. As you can see, I'm in desperate need of mulch. Or as one of Jill's friends referred to it, beauty bark. I'd never heard that before, but I like it.

This is the view from our back door on the deck. Like I said in my last post, I'm very thankful that there are no fences. I love the wide open space. Some day that little River Birch will provide some nice shade. It may not be until I'm an old woman...but I'll be an old woman sitting in the shade.

This whole area was a new addition last summer. We've really enjoyed the firepit, although we haven't used it this spring so far. And those cute Adirondak chairs were a bonus buy on Ebay. Have I mentioned my Ebay addiction? I really love that flowering crab, too. I bought it late last summer so this is the first I've seen it bloom. It's really beautiful. Tiny, but beautiful.

If you'd cross the hill and go one block, you'd see Cindy's house, and about 2 miles down the same road is Leah's house.

This is just looking the other way off the deck. The kids get on and off the school bus just on the other side of that house. It's really nice and close. So close, in fact, I can call them back from the bus stop if they ever forget something at home. Have I mentioned that I can yell really loud? I still haven't decided what to put in the planter - that's one item on the "To-Do" list for this weekend.

And finally, it's garbage day in good ol' suburbia.

I'd love to see your views too!

1 comment:

Gail said...

pretty much the same as yours!