Friday, October 26, 2007

Boys weekend at "The Shack"

You'd be amazed at how many inquiries I've had regarding the shack and Will's first trip there since this post a couple weeks ago. I'd thought I would just fill you in on their adventure:

Welcome to "The Shack". Is it everything you thought it would be?

And here is a view of the interior of this cozy little abode. It makes you just want to snuggle right up with an airplane blanket, a plate of smoked fish, and a shot of Captain Morgan, doesn't it?

Do you notice the writing on the wall? No, it's not a warning to get out before the winch in the attic (which appears to hold the whole house together) cuts loose; it's a hunting record listing the date, the time, the shooter, the shootee, and any relevant details of the hunt. If you look very closely you can see my dear husband's record form November 3, 1984 indicating that he bagged an 8-pt buck at 4:30 pm. Yep, I have a remnant of the proof laying on the floor in my basement work-out room.

There's my proud little hunter man.

Beautiful view, huh? Thank God we stopped at Walmart the night before and purchased a nice little pair of rubber boots...

Apparently Will was trying to shoot a squirrel in a tree with his little pellet gun. He said, "Mom, I hit it right on the head, he stopped eating his nut for a little bit, looked around, and then kept eating again."

In addition to all the exploring, shooting, and walking they did over the weekend, I'm told that they also got a lot of work done as well. They repaired the roof and built a deer stand.

And do you see the cute little building on the left side of this shot? You guessed it - the outhouse. But, hold on to your hats everyone...this is no run-of-the-mill outhouse. This one comes complete with a glass storm door and a skylight. Yep, you read it right. Hard to get that picture out of your head, isn't it?

So, all in all, the boys had a great time. In fact, Will informed me that he actually could have stayed 5 more nights. And next time, he thinks that all of us should go.

Ummm....I think I'm busy that weekend. Something about getting my nails done...


KJ said...

Wow, that is truly a palace on the prairie. I'm glad it didn't collapse while your boys were inside. Glad they had fun!

Sara Wicht said...

Is that place really inhabitable? I wonder if it's "up to code"?

jilldaisbrenne said...

There are a few things that are scarey for me... on a few different levels! :-) Glad everyone had a fun and safe time!

A Day In The Life.... said...

It's good to know that other "boys" do this. I think my dad and husband could take some pictures of their shack that could compete with Bill's. I just don't get it.

Angela said...

Wow... it's everything you said it would be! Yikes!

Glad the boys had fun... and yes, I think you definitely need to get your nails done and hair washed and oil changed and whatever else the next time they go up!

Or maybe suggest a nice weekend stay at a nearby hotel instead? LOL