Aside from playing with my camera and exploring the wonders of PhotoShop, I've also had another project in the works this week.
Some of you may know that I LOVE to paint. In fact, back when we moved into our new house in 2002, every wall in every room in my house was painted within a few months. We've now been living with this green paint for over 5 years.
change was the primary reason for the new decor, it is also very important to actually move your stove away from the wall every few years in order to vacuum the hordes of dust bunnies from underneath and scrape away the years of dried goop that has run down the sides of the tucked-in appliance.
That sure wasn't pretty...
Here are some
before pictures:

And here is what it looks like now:

You may notice that the little insets where the TV and cable/stereo components set are still the original color. For that project, I'll need the assistance of my big, strong, and technically-inclined husband.
Boy, it would sure be too bad if that big, heavy, ginormous TV dropped and broke while we were moving it. I'd just hate to have to buy a new one. Say, like one of those pretty-plasma-flat-screen-thingies that just hang on the wall.
Yeah. That really would be too bad.