Tuesday, September 30, 2008
...tax relief for Americans also having a dollar value meal at restaurants.
God love Tina Fey.
...and poor Sarah Palin.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
This is Raclette...
Raclette is a Swiss Cheese dish that has been popular for centuries. There are different opinions about who started it. Some say shepherds in the mountains, others say it was the grape harvesters in the vineyards of the Valais region of Switzerland. No matter who, fact is that after a hard days work, they gathered around a campfire and held the cut surface of their local cheese against the glowing coals. As the cheese melted, they scraped (french: raclet) it off onto potatoes and pickles, thus coming to bear the name "raclette". Everybody agrees, that it took place in the Valais region of Switzerland and that the original cheese was made there.
Today there are countless varieties of healthy meals each person can prepare while sitting together at the dining table around an indoor grill. Sharing stories over drinks while creating personalized dishes on a racette grill or with a raclette melter is an activity everyone will love. And you’ll be cooking with your friends, not for them.
We had our friends Heather, Jeff, and kids over for dinner last night and decided to do raclette grilling. My Norwegian brother-in-law Leif introduced my family to this social dining experience several years ago. And then, I received a grill as a Christmas gift from my sisters shortly thereafter. We love to use it whenever the occasion arises.
So, here's how you do it, step by step.
Well, kind of...
The main things that I think you need are new potatoes, some type of meat, cheese, and a french baguette. I like to buy the Italian variety pack of meat at Costco which includes hard salami, hot capocola and spicy calabrese. And as far as cheeses go, I always buy the actual Raclette cheese just because I feel that I have to since that is the namesake after all. I always have Jarlsberg, sometimes Gouda, and whatever else happens to look good to me. Last night I served a really great semi-soft cheddar from the Byerly's cheese counter. Keep in mind, you may not find all these yummy cheeses at just any grocery store.
Mmmm...I love cheese.
So, other than those necessities, just add anything else you want. I served sliced grape tomatoes, sliced fresh mushrooms, roasted and marinated red peppers. Also have a variety of relish-type foods available such as pickled corn, pearl onions, pepperocini, pickles.
We also have done scallops and shrimp on the raclette grill - which both turn out great!
And yes, I did make this one wash her hands first.
So, that's it. Just put any combination in the little tray, place in under the grill for a couple minutes and... Voila!
Have I mentioned that I love cheese?
Oh, and one more thing - the sliced baguette. I don't have a picture of it, but just place the slices on the top of the grill to toast. You'll need to flip it intermittently to get the desired toastiness.
Toastiness? Is that a word?
So- here's to good friends, good food, good wine, and a really good Swiss-inspired dining style...
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Interview with me
If you had to choose one vice in exclusion of all others, what would it be?
Probably fast food…or biting my fingernails...or being able to make a decision...
If you could change one specific thing about the world, what would it be?
I feel that the world, in general, lacks empathy and tolerance. If we all were instilled with both of them as children, it would be a much more peaceful place. So, in the words of one of my favorite CSN songs, teach your children well…
Name the cartoon character you identify with the most.
Marge Simpson???
If you could live one day in your life over again, which one would it be?
I would love to live June 3, 1998 over again. That was the day my kids were born. From what I remember of it, it was the best day of my life. That being said, if I could live it over again – I’d bring the video camera. From the drug-induced stupor, the raging hormones and the surrealness (is that a word??) of the whole situation, I actually remember very little.
If you could go back in history and spend a day with one person, who would it be?
I wouldn’t go too far back – I’d just love to spend a day with my mom.
What is the one thing you lost, sold or threw away that you wish you could have back?
I truly cannot think of one thing. Having too much clutter and "things" feels complicated - I'm pretty good at getting rid of things.
What is your one most important contribution to this world?
Will and Madison.
What is your one hidden talent that nearly no one knows about?
My astounding and amazing writing and photography skills.
What is your most cherished possession?
Other than my Nikon D-40 camera and awesome zoom lens, my book collection and my wonderful family (of course), it would have to be my photo albums, scrapbooks, and pictures.
What one person influenced your life the most when growing up?
My mom. I think I’m probably more like her than I know…
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Since I've been asked if I've given up on my blog several times in the last couple hours, I guess I'll fill you in on a few of the things I've been doing these past weeks:
1) Redecorating my home office to resemble the copy-section of OfficeMax. Between Bill in his role of Cub Scout Committee Chair and Pack Treasurer, and me being the Registration Coordinator for the kids' swim club, we truly have forms coming out of our ears. I thought about taking a picture of the chaos in this little room and then I remembered that I couldn't handle the camera properly considering the multiple papercuts all over my fingers.
2) Studying the fine details of Hy-tek sports software. Sometimes I can't believe they put a computer-illiterate person like me in charge of this thing.
3) Cleaning my carpets. OMG. How disgusting is it to see the filthy, stinky water sprinkled with gravel get sucked out of your carpet. Disgusting - yet incredibly fulfilling in some kind of sick way.
4) Watching The Sopranos. It's funny, but it seems like I need this mobster-drama with it's countless f-bombs, gunshots, and severed limbs to relax, calm my mind, and expel all my frustrations of the day. Thank God for Netflix - we've zoomed through 4 seasons in only a few short months. It started out a little slow, but now I'm totally addicted.
5) Programming my DVR for the new shows coming up this fall. Actually, a more accurate sentence would be: Instructing my husband on which shows to program into our DVR. I know if I don't come clean now on my inability to program that complicated piece of technology now - he'd only bring it up in my Comments, anyway. Thanks for being so smart, honey! The shows I'm most looking forward to: The Office, ER, and Brothers & Sisters.
6) And lastly, since I can't keep the secret any longer....I just like you all to know that I've decided to run for an elected public office. I haven't decided which one yet. There has to something available - city council? county commissioner? school board? mayor? Who knows! But the way I figure it, that should prepare me for the run for Vice President on someones ticket by 2012. Dream big, eh?
You'd all vote for me, wouldn't you?
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Who should you vote for?
I just couldn't help myself. I couldn't resist. I LOVE this kind of stuff. I actually love this kind of stuff in the same way that I love ice cream, John Stewart, and those Macintosh commercials (i.e. A LOT). As you may know, filling out forms, taking quizzes, and talking politics are some of my favorite things!
Go ahead. Play along.
I know you want to...
Your Issue Profile: 72% Obama, 28% McCain |
![]() While it sounds like Obama is the choice for you, he's not a perfect match. You and John McCain actually share some of the same views. Whether this is news to your or not, you have some studying to do. Obama seems like he's the right fit, but it's an important issue might sway you over to McCain. |
You Should Vote for Barack Obama |
![]() Where you and Barack Obama agree: Abortion - Education - Health Care - Immigration - The War in Iraq - Taxes Where you and Barack Obama disagree: Cuba - Global Warming |
Whew.....what a relief! What a load off my mind! Now I can sleep knowing who I should vote for in November.
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
Rocket Men
I guess you could say that he’s a chip right off the ol’ block. Right, Bill?
Bill has always had an interest in flying things. After we were married and before we had kids, he had a special section of our basement (or dining room, sometimes) designated for airplanes. There’s nothing like the smell of balsa wood, epoxy, and small engine oil to take me back to 1996.
Due to his own proclaimed “lack of man-space” in our present house, he hasn’t been able to get back into building and flying the RC planes that he once did, much to his own dismay. But, as an alternative to this, he and Will have recently re-discovered an old hobby – rockets.
They went to the elementary school last week to launch a few with Will’s friend Henry.

This new hobby takes up a whole lot less space and doesn’t require a fraction of the time and money needed for RC airplanes. The only bad part is the smell of sulfur that gets into everything. I know it’s warped, but I can’t help but think of Keanu Reeves in “Constantine” when he is describing the smell of Hell.
So, if you ever come to my house, don’t worry…it’s just the rockets.
Friday, September 05, 2008
American Election. In a Nutshell
Aside from all the obnoxious TV ads, I'm totally looking forward to the Obama/McCain journey these next few months. It's a little like how you can't look away from a car wreck on the side of the road as your driving by.
I've watched both the DNC and the RNC closely. Some of it made we want to laugh. Some of it made me want to cry. Some of it was incredibly inspiring. Some of it was just so strangely ironic.
But I loved it all, nonetheless.
If you haven't seen this already, check it out! And if you have seen it, you should really watch it again. Only JibJab can summarize our country's political scene like they can. It doesn't matter which side your on...it's totally hilarious!

Tuesday, September 02, 2008
4th Grade...Here they come!

I don't think the kids have ever been more anxious to start school than they were this year. In fact, on Monday afternoon, Will had showered and was in his pajamas by 5:30 pm with plans to go to bed by 6:30. And Maddie wasn't far behind. They wanted the morning "to come faster."
I wasn't sure what to do! What happened to my little night-owls who have begged to stay up and play X-Box until all hours of the night for the past month? I actually said "No- you guys have to stay up a little later."
Am I crazy? Are they crazy?
The day went really well for both of them. They love their teachers. They love their friends. They love their new 7-pocket file folder organization system (yes-they take after me...) and they already have tons of stories about their new "really, really mean" bus driver.
Well, I guess 4th graders need a little drama here and there...
Monday, September 01, 2008
13th Anniversary
The Annual Alternating Surprise Anniversary Weekend Vacation was to none other than my favorite place in this whole state of Minnesota, and maybe one of my favorite places ever - Grand Marais. We had a great time, and did nothing much more than relax, hike, shop, eat and drink.
This is one of those places that makes you wonder if the actual residents realize how lucky they are to wake up to the beautiful sights and sounds everyday.

So...13 years. Wow.
In some ways it feels like I've been with Billy my whole life (but in a good way mind you); and in some ways it feels like just yesterday that we were sitting in my parent's backyard on the night before our wedding, making plans for "someday".
I love you, babe!