Here's a few pics and videos...

Will's 50 Freestyle
Maddie's 50 Freestyle
He got hugs from Coach Michelle and his mom, flashed a huge smile, and then quickly headed out to the heat-winner toy basket to reap his reward.
A pile of pink goo.
He’s a nine year old boy. What more can I say.
I think this trick will come in very handy for Minnesotans during the winter months as we all look a little pasty and dull.
3. My nephew Finn is coming today! Yeah! Maybe we’ll go pick the kids up from school – they’d all get a kick out of that.
4. It feels so cold in our house. All the time. Guess where thermostat is set?
Nope. Even colder. Try again...
My hot-blooded and frugal husband whom I love dearly sets ours at 66 during the day and 62 at night. The past couple days, he’s “accidentally” left it at 62 all the time. I finally figured out what was going on after I discovered frostbite on my big toe.
What is the temperature at your house?
5. I love LOST!!! Who else watches? What is going on? Who are the 6 survivors? (I guess we know its Hurley, Jack, Kate…who else?) Why do the “rescuers” want Ben? What's with that cabin?
OMG – I can hardly stand the suspense!!
6. We’re going to have an incredibly busy weekend. It’s our club’s final home swim meet this season. It is also the last meet prior to C-finals, so we have tons of other clubs attending. Actually there will be over 530 swimmers – twice as many as have been in our meets before.
As usual, the kids will swim both Saturday and Sunday mornings – 8 events total for each kid. Will has 3 qualifying times for C-finals and is close in a couple others. Maddie has qualifies in 8 events and is on the verge of A/B qualification in about 3 others. For me, as a parent, volunteer, and board member, it means that I’ll be at the pool at least 19 hours over the next 2 days.
Wish us all luck!
7. Our insurance finally took effect last week. With Bill’s job change, we were without health insurance for about 2 weeks. Phheww…that made me really nervous. Speaking of insurance? Anybody see "Sicko"? We just watched it a couple weeks ago and I'd encourage you to check it out. Absolutely enraging.
8. I just scheduled a hair cut for next week. What should I do? Go shorter? Let it grow longer again? Opinions please!
9. I’m going to paint my family room and kitchen area.
This is my color scheme now:
And this is what I want to do:
I have a dark brown couch and half-chair, a red chair and ottoman, and mostly espresso-toned wood furniture, and maple woodwork. All I really need to do is paint the walls (this blue-grayish color) and get some new throw pillows. This really freaks me out - but I'm soooooo ready for a change!
What to you think?
10. My toes are still cold. Really cold.
To use it well
Big Woods 3rd grader William G. recently won highest honors in his first of three Word Masters Challenge - a national language arts competition.
3rd graders competed against 549 teams and a total of 25,420 students. The median team score was 114. Big Woods median score was 171. William's perfect score was a feat managed by only 85 third graders in the nation.